Document Request

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Please tick the documents you need,conserve the environment,protect the earth!
E-copy Paper copy
Documents for CFDA Registration Application(If international registration document packs needed,please contact the customer service manager)
Free Sample Dispatch ProofReport of Drug Inspection at the PortImport Drug License (IDL)
COA in Chinese and EnglishImport Pharmaceuticals Customs FormImport Registration Quality Standards
Chineway銆enterprise qualification documents
Business LicenseOrganization Code CertificateForeign Trade Record Sheet
Tax Registration CertificateScience and Technology Management CertificateNon-GSP Instruction Letter
Chineway qualtity assurance system documents
Quality Assurance AgreementQuality Management Grid GraphSupply Chain Distributer Authorization
Quality Assurance SystemOrganization ChartLegal Person authorized Sales Power of attorney
Other info(e.g.:1.Formulation Support?2.Process Support?3.Chineway Laboratory Support?)
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